Sunday, January 13, 2013

Reality v. Reality

I made a comment about the Amish Mafia and was asked my views on some other popular reality shows on television.  I have to be honest; I refuse to watch any of these types of shows.  I won’t waste my precious brain cells watching idiotic housewives of any city make fools of themselves.  I refuse to watch the have-been, wanna-be, or might-be sport figure wives behave like tenth graders, nor do I care how many kids and their mothers are living under the roof of a one-hit wonder rapper.  I don’t care about the Bad Girls throwing themselves at men with fists full of dollar bills lapping in front of them to do whatever disgusting thing they can think of and this also goes for the Top Models that starve themselves to get a one-time contract to do a lipstick commercial and never be seen again.  Can any of these women honestly say after doing these shows the embarrassment was worth the bad press or further downfall of their careers?  I don’t think they can.

This is only my opinion and not meant to sway anyone.  I have never been a fan of reality shows starting with American Idol to the really bad tasting Best Funerals Ever.  I live reality every day and do not need the frustrations of watching others play their lives out on television.  I’m a very quiet person that lives a quiet life and most of the time drama free.  Watching those types of shows and all the arguing and fighting makes me wonder why the person being degraded or made to look foolish would return for another episode.  There is not enough money to have me lower my self-esteem to “step on me levels”.

Another thing about those shows is the majority of them consist of women.  Women carry the backbone of the family on their shoulders.  We are supposed to be strong and carry-on no matter the storm.  How can so-called strong women act so childish, bullish, and downright disrespectful and expect their daughters to learn right from wrong?  The actions being portrayed on these shows are teaching children to be bullies, or weak-minded depending on which personality is being spotlighted on whatever show.

Thank God, I am not important and no reality show will ever revolve around my life but if I was, and a production company approached me about doing one, I would not hesitate saying NO THANK YOU! None of that is entertainment to me. I’d rather turn off the television and read a book to be entertained by fictional characters that carry themselves in a better fashion.

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