Wednesday, April 13, 2011

One of Those Days!

Have you ever had one of those days where you just want to pull the covers back over your head and say "not today—maybe tomorrow"? That was my feeling today, although, I didn't get back in bed, I got up and got ready to face my day.

It all started with me dragging my feet in leaving the house. I usually leave early when I need to make a pit stop at the gas station. I didn't do that this morning. I get to the gas station where I want to use my $0.50 off in fuel perks to avoid having to take out a loan for a tank of gas.

My son, who has the strength of hundreds, must have tightened the cap thinking I had the strength of the Incredible Hulk. After fighting with the dang cap for ten minutes, I call him on my cell to let him know I will be returning home so he can take the cap off….time is ticking.

Finally, he comes down and "twist" the cap pops off (of course after my incredible strength has weakened it for him). Back to the gas station I go. I try to scan my card to get the $.50 off for the golden liquid that is almost $4.00 a gallon now, and of course it won't scan….time is ticking.

Into the store, I go to ask the clerk to scan my card and pay so I can pump my gas. She proceeds to tell me she can't do that since I'm paying with a credit card. Crickets start chirping around me when I go speechless for few minutes. Coming out my stupor, she said I had to pay at the pump. Again, I state, the scanner is not working. Again she tells me it should be working since no one else has complained….time is ticking and blood pressure rising.

She follows me outside and tries to scan. "Hmmm, that's weird," she says. "It should work. Sometimes you have to play with it." I don't have time to play with the scanner; I have to be at work in less than forty-minutes. She finally got it to work after standing three feet away from the pump and letting the laser play tag with the card.

Off I go with my golden fuel that I paid only $3.39 a gallon. Sitting at the light, I start to relax, drumming to the music playing on the radio. Then I notice I have been sitting at this light for some time now…time is ticking…anger creeping back up again. It took the light five minutes to change.

I'm making good time once the light changes and I'm finally on my way, deciding to stop at McDonald's for breakfast. Pulled up and only two cars! The car in front of me and myself; I should have known better. The car in front of me had three people and in order to place their order, she had to open the door. Giving the benefit of the doubt, I sit and wait patiently for my turn. Trying not to look at the clock but instead out the rearview mirror, cars are lining up behind me. The clock has flipped to 8:08, the car in front is still ordering.

The radio personality, pleasantly reminds me how many minutes I have before the hour and that I need to be in the garage and clocking in at work. I glance at the clock and it's now 8:10….time is ticking, she is still ordering and my frustration is out the window. I pull around and leave without my coffee or any food.

I hop on the Shoreway with no problem and pull into the garage. Taking a last look around the car, I get out and head for the elevators. After the rough morning, I make it to work with two minutes to spare! I find food and coffee in the building and all is right with the world again.

I guess I learned my lesson today, never procrastinate when you have to make a stop before work. Just get up and keep it moving to avoid all the extra stress. I wonder how many cars are still waiting for that woman to finish placing her order at McDonalds.

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