Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Never Leave Me Again is Live on Amazon!

Never Leave Me Again is now live on Amazon. Follow the rekindling romance of Josh and Tasha.

Josh and Tasha were best friends who became inseparable. As college came to an end, so did their budding romance. A job opportunity moved Tasha to Atlanta. She was a little perplexed when Josh didn't attempt to dissuade her from leaving him, and she left with a broken heart.

Josh returned to Cleveland to make his mark in the legal world. Along the way, he never shed his partying ways. Bouncing from one-night stands to short-term relationships, he never found the right woman to settle him down. The one woman who could was no longer around, and it was his fault.

Now, Tasha is back, and she is a prosecutor for the County of Cuyahoga. She’s also working on his brother’s case. Will Josh be able to rekindle the flames he never lost for her, or will Tasha shut the door in his face, unable to forgive him for letting her go?

Text 'Yes' If You Love Me Has Been Nominated for Cover of The Month for May. I Need Your Votes Please

If you liked the cover of my book, Text 'Yes' If You Love Me, please vote for it for the Cover of the Month contest on