Sunday, February 8, 2015

A Sexy Snippet From Chasing Love: Chase Lombardi's Story

After breakfast, they stayed on the floor in front of the fire. They were watching television until Chase nodded off. His head was in her lap. To Jasmine’s surprise, he had not tried anything off-handed. He was the perfect gentleman by helping her with the dishes and putting the leftover food away.

Deep down, Jasmine yearned that searing kiss they had shared would turn into something more. When it didn’t, she didn’t ask why. She stroked Chase's hair lightly as he slept. Every now and then he would grunt or his face would scowl. Jasmine wondered what he was dreaming about.

The fire had died in the fireplace leaving a chill in the house. Jasmine reached for the afghan laying on the edge of the sofa and covered him. The short-sleeve t-shirt obviously wasn’t providing him enough warmth. She wasn’t cold with the long-sleeve wool sweater she had on and the heat from him lying across her.

Chase turned over on his side burying his face nearly in her belly. She leaned back against the sofa to give him a little breathing room. The position was uncomfortable for her since the hardwood floor numbed her behind and her back was against the hard border of the sofa.

Jasmine tried to shift to a comfortable position. One of Chase’s hands lifted her sweater and his lips pressed to her stomach causing her to drag in a breath of air. His tongue traced around her navel to dip inside.

“Oh…” she let escape her lips.

His mouth pressed against her again. Small kisses seared across her skin as he raised his head to kiss further up her belly. What in the heck is he dreaming about? Jasmine closed her eyes not knowing if he was dreaming about her or Katherine. At the moment she didn’t care; it felt too right to stop him.

Jasmine’s eyes popped open. She did care. She refused to let him get his jollies off thinking she was another woman. She tugged at the sweater to pull it down. His grip got tighter.

“Why are you fighting me,” he mumbled.

The vibrations of his lips against her skin sent a zing down her spine. “Your dream is making you paw at me.”

“I’m not asleep, Jasmine.”
“Good because my behind is numb from the floor,” she answered with a push on his shoulder. “I need to switch positions.”

Chase shifted to his knees and dragged Jasmine flat on the floor. “Wh-what are you doing?” she protested.

“Changing your position,” he said straddled his legs over her outstretched body and pulled off his t-shirt tossing it on the floor.

Jasmine swallowed the lump in her throat. He had muscles on top of muscles, but he didn’t wear dog tags as she’d imagined. She didn’t take her eyes off him as he pushed her sweater up and over her breasts exposing her bra. “Chase, we can’t do this.”

He lowered his head and kissed the swells of her breasts letting his tongue trail a path down her cleavage. “Then tell me to stop and I will.”

Her chest heaved with wanting more. He knew damn well she wouldn’t tell him to stop. “This isn’t fair you have me at a disadvantage.”

“I’m not pinning you down. You have room to move from under me.”

“You’re unbelievable, Chase. How can you wake up from a nap and expect me to have sex with you?”

“We aren’t having sex I’m kissing you. And to warn you, I will move down your body and kiss everything exposed to me.” His lips were on her neck. “The bruise is healing nicely,” he said as his tongue traced along the portion of the bruise that remained.

Jasmine arched her back. Her body was on fire from his kisses. “You’re a smart man and aware of what you’re doing to me. I won’t succumb to you; I can hold out for as long as you can.”

His mouth curved against her skin. “That’s what it’s all about, baby. I want you to show me how long as you can hold out.”

Chasing Love: Chase Lombardi's Story is available for preorder on Amazon.  Follow the link to order your copy.

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