Friday, November 30, 2012

Small excerpt from Scenes To Steal The Heart-Final Act.  Coming soon!

Carlos placed the last of his clothes in the suitcase and zipped it up.  The car would be to take him to the airport soon.  He could not wait to get home to Danielle. Although he had people watching her every move, he felt better if he were the one watching over her.  Whoever was following them covered their tracks expertly.

He was almost ready to dismiss Herman as a suspect.  He did not think Herman would be stupid enough to actually try to blackmail him again; especially after admitting to installing the cameras in the hotel suite in Cleveland.

Carlos heard a light knock on the door coming from the front room.  Leaving the bedroom he reached the door just as an envelope slipped underneath.  He opened the envelope to remove the content from inside.  Closing his eyes he took in a deep breath.

Putting the package on the cadenza he opened the door to hear the elevator ding.  Rushing to the end of the hall he caught it.
“Consuela!” He said stopping the elevator doors from closing with his hands.

She did not look at him or speak as he stood before her. The man she longed to have a fling, had now become her enemy.

“Why did you knock if you did not have anything to say?”

With cold eyes she finally said, “You have what you demanded; our business is done.”

“I agree our business is done.  Let this be a lesson, Consuela; choose your battles carefully.  The next person you go up against might not be as nice as me.”

Her eyes narrowed and deepened. “You are one condescending, arrogant bastard wrapped in a pretty package. I don’t know what that woman sees in you.”

He flashed a malevolent smile.  “The same thing you saw until you crossed me.” He stepped back to let the elevator doors close not allowing her to say another word.

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