Saturday, August 13, 2011

Heading Home From Philadelphia

Well another exposition is done and over.  I hope to be on the road by noon tomorrow.  Whenever I do one of these events, I always hope to leave with the feeling I have learned something new from each author that attended.  Well, I am leaving with that.  Many of the authors I met at this venue had to overcome an adversity to get where they are today.  What I mean when I say that is, they were inspired to write due to an event or tragedy that lead them to share how they overcame to be the success they are today.  Not success as money or fame but just looking in the mirror to say "I overcame."

Besides myself, there were two other authors that only wrote fiction for fun and not as a self-help motivator or maybe even therapy.  As I took my place to tell why I wrote my books, I felt out of place....maybe even foolish.  I had no sad story to tell, I didn't have abusive parents, or a parent addicted to drugs, or no one to care about me as a child.

My family has always been there for each other and we are still there for one another as adults with children and grandchildren.  Listening to these people reminded me how blessed I am.  I have a job; I am able to put food on the table, walk under my own ability and sleep in a warm bed at night.  I might not have all the riches but I have the necessities to keep my head above water, anything outside of that is an added bonus, not something I need to get me through my days. 

Yes, I get angry about things that happen in my life but after hearing the background behind their writing, it was strong, tragic and emotional.  I could never get up enough courage to tell of events in my life that personal.  I could sympathize with their struggles in life but not empathize with their struggles since I've never experienced such hardships while growing up.

I will say this expo was more for those geared toward the self-help and motivation to get one's life together more so than wanting to divulge into the world of fiction.  I am a fiction writer because I like to escape from the real world that I live in daily.  For those looking for self-improvement, spiritual uplifting or even guidance after a tragedy, this would have been the event to attend.

I commend these authors, keep them in prayer and took what they said to heart.  For anyone seeking advice or needing that extra incentive to get motivated, please check out their books.  The names of these authors can be found on the flyer posted on a previous blog.

I won't do a plug here for myself, but for the authors that achieved their dreams after finding peace in their lives.  God bless and I will blog more when I arrive back in Cleveland.  That will be a whole 'nother issue, because the people traveling around downtown Philadelphia have clearly opened my eyes.

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