Friday, December 17, 2010

Wishing All A Merry Christmas And Happy New Year

As we wrap up another year, we might not have achieved all in 2010 that we set out to achieve but somehow managed to survive. I would like to start by saying I am ending the year with mixed emotions.

First, I completed a goal I set for myself by writing a book. Writing it was fun and frustrating at the same time. Once written I had to decide if I wanted to publish it. Knowing the market was already oversaturated with performers and sports figures now writing books or finding a literary agent not looking to tap into those resources, I had to deal with book sales in general taking a nose-dive due to the bad economy. Realizing I had all this stacked against me, I jumped on the self-publishing bandwagon. Although these agencies will provide you with the resources you need, your pockets have to be deep to pay for it. Success is not promised so be careful what you purchase before going in with both feet. With that said, I choose a package that fit my budget and worked from there. Second, right as I was finishing up the book, my mother had a heart attack which I blogged about earlier. I'm thanking God for pulling her through that ordeal as He continues to keep her in His healing hands. My book might not be on the New York Times bestsellers list but it's doing well and I owe it all to those that have taken a chance by reading a book by an unknown like myself. The book wasn't perfect as far as editing but I feel the storyline was captivating enough to overlook those small details. I promise the next book will be more prepared as I have learned a lot from attending conferences and talking with other authors who were more than willing to give me tips.

2010 was very much a learning year for me. Not only did I complete goals and manage to stay employed another year, but there were setbacks also. My niece-in-law lost family members near and dear to her. Her nephew who was an outstanding high school student with a future ahead of him lost his life due to senseless violence. When will the day come again when a person can walk down the street and not be worried about becoming a victim? Then her father passed away suddenly, another figure in her life that gave her strength and perseverance on a daily basis. He will be missed dearly by his family and those that knew him. Mr. Young was a very loving husband and dedicated family man. I'm glad I had the opportunity share in the humor he possessed. At Monica and Shaun's wedding, he gave a toast that I don't think anyone will ever forget. He told my nephew that if he ever got tired of his daughter "not to beat her up just pack her stuff and sit her on the porch and he would be happy to take her back." I might not have that verbatim, but those were words from a father that truly loves his daughter. I continue to keep the Young family in my prayers.

My younger sister, Trevi, had been employed by a company that should be disbanded and tossed in Lake Erie. The economy forced her to keep this position until she could find other employment. My sister is a praying person and she prayed that if she stayed strong and in God's will he would bless her with another opportunity. Well she did stay strong, her prayers have been answered by getting a better position, and leaving that place that caused her so much pain and suffering. Anyone feeling locked in a situation you can't get out of or see no way out of, pray about it, it does work.

The learning part for me is when I had to contact law enforcement officials to interview for my second book due out soon. I had to learn to speak to these people if I wanted to put out a product that was factually correct. I found that if you are generally polite when you call, you'll receive politeness in return. I have yet to encounter one rude official and I have spoken with FBI agents a few times now. Can't judge a book by its cover: Cleveland police aren't exactly known for being talkative to the public so I didn't know what to expect when I approached one in a grocery store working security. My daughter asked if I had bail money just in case. I told her I had to take my chances and if he blew me off then so be it. I presented him with my business card and kindly asked if he would be interested in doing an interview. He thought I wanted to do it right then and explained he couldn't since he was working but he did take the time to give me his name and information to call him. He was very nice and I thanked him for his information. I will be calling him soon.

In my closing of 2010, I'm asking my family, friends, and readers alike to be positive and stay strong for 2011. When we think the world is falling down around us, take a look at the person next to you or the family sleeping in their car, or the homeless man sleeping on a steam grate trying to stay warm. There will always be someone that is having it a little harder than ourselves. Pray for these people, pray for yourselves, and pray for a more prosperous new year.

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